A Letter from Riley
Dear Beauty,
It’s 1:28am, I just ate a taco and I’m in my favorite red, vintage chair attempting to share my reason for this newsletter. I suppose I’ll start from the beginning, wherever that may be:
Earlier today, a journalist asked me to describe Woke Beauty. Half way through my response, I realized that in many ways I was describing what makes it different. Woke Beauty isn’t just a photography business. It’s not surface level nor trendy. It’s not just sessions, just memberships, just events. Woke Beauty is a visual storytelling platform with a mission to dive deep through raw, timeless, creative expression and a photography service that feels safe and rejuvenating. Woke Beauty exists to empower women to celebrate themselves; to incite, encourage and elevate women’s voices.
Admittedly, as we co-create stories that are inspiring, I’m forever sifting through my own. I’ve spent the past couple of weeks reinventing myself each morning. I’ve found myself in sleepless nights, disappointing conversations, erratic behavior and strange silences of overwhelm. This time in quarantine has forced me to look at my vision for Woke Beauty and to address the things left to the side when I was busy with tasks I can’t attend to now: the dozens of projects, the administrative demands, the galleries left untouched, the cold emails collecting dust. All of that has culminated into a desire to make this community feel better.
As I write you this letter, I’m blowing away the remainder of my fog. I want to bring valuable, fresh content to your sphere; content like: substance; content that compels us to thrive; content that is accessible and heartening. There’s a delicate balance between acknowledging pain and practicing gratitude. I’m hopeful this platform gives you space to lean into both.
So...what does all of this mean? In plain terms, expect a sweet, digestible email from us every Sunday with just a few elements that bring us joy, whether it’s a Woke Beauty member spotlight, our favorite humor column, heartfelt poems sung from local artists or just a quote that made us think of you. Keep an eye out for a healing podcast coming soon that will showcase real people and their real feelings, guidance and input around COVID-19. Catch up with me on Instagram Live every Saturday at 11am for creative writing and storytelling workshops. And know that I am always brainstorming new ways to offer services you can indulge in. Currently, that looks like self compassion inspired, sliding scale mini sessions designed to provide you with photography or personal brand consulting for the cost of a really nice meal for two.
These tools and this platform are designed to be a celebration of your self, journey and resiliency. Ours too. We believe support is a gift that makes both parties stronger. The sophistication of this modern day allows us to stay connected despite distance. We won’t take that privilege for granted. So, if you find yourself all the way at the bottom, here with me, reading these words, thank you.
Go love yourself.
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