A note from Riley
A year after I founded Woke Beauty, my secure side job dissolved. The details were out of my hands. The chapter was closing. On one hand, I was devastated. I lost a large portion of my income that was driving the creativity and luster of living my dream.
How was I going to survive without it? On the other hand, this devastation was the growth. The universe knew I was ready for another large challenge–one that would change everything. I went to a friend’s house to tell her the news and this wild idea I had: Woke Beauty Memberships. I didn’t know how to proceed. I was totally clueless. But I’ll never forget her confident eyes lighting up as she said, “I’m your first member. And I’m telling all of my friends tonight.”
And now, here we are. There are so many things that can go wrong when it comes to creativity and innovation. But I’m convinced that as long as you have one person who will advocate for you...you’ll be just fine. I’m incredibly lucky to have had that person. I’m telling you: it’s everything.
My one intention with this platform is to be that person for you. If you’re reading this, I believe that you and your offering are instrumental to the evolution of our society.
And I’ll never let you forget it.
xx Riley
Questions? Email us at hello@wokebeauty.com