Portrait Gathering Session - August 18

Portrait Gathering Session - August 18


Come one. Come all!

Whether you're a bit camera shy, need some portraits (but just a few!), looking to meet some new, incredible women or just plain wanna soak up some sun rays and have a good time...this is a wonderful opportunity to experience a portrait session whilst being surrounded by like-minded women supporting and encouraging you.



  • Date: Sunday, August 18 at 8:00am (feel free to request for an earlier time if you want that sunrise glow!)

  • Location: Little Stacey Park (meet by Larry Monroe Forever Bridge!)

  • Imagery: portraits/head shots, portfolio, lifestyle content, visual branding needs

  • Cost: $150/person (individual sessions start at $350)

  • Gain: I'll make you feel b-eeaaauuuu-tiful!! And you'll have pictures of yourself you actually love.

    • (Also) 5 high resolution, edited images (minimum) provided within one week's time

Contact riley@wokebeauty.co for more details. Can't wait to see you!! xx

P.S. You can request an individual 20 minute session or come for the full 90 minutes and pop into the frame when you feel like it!