Portrait Gathering Session—March 14th + March 20th
Portrait Gathering Session—March 14th + March 20th
Our March Portrait Gathering is finally here—come one. Come all!
Whether you're a bit camera shy, need new portraits of yourself (but just a few!), looking to meet some new, incredible women or just plain wanna enjoy the springtime and have a good time...this is a wonderful opportunity to experience a portrait session whilst being surrounded by like-minded women supporting and encouraging you. If you’ve been looking for a compassionate, creative community, the Woke Beauty Portrait Gatherings brings and celebrates these women together.
Time: Choose either a morning or afternoon time slot for Saturday March 14th or Friday March 20th
Location: Private gathering details shared after RSVP confirmation
Imagery: portraits/head shots, portfolio, lifestyle content, visual branding needs
Investment: $200/person
Gain: I'll make you feel b-eeaaauuuu-tiful!! And you'll have pictures of yourself you actually love.
(Also) 10 high resolution, edited images (minimum) provided within one week's time
Contact riley@wokebeauty.com for more details. Can't wait to see you!! xx